Monday, February 16, 2009

Love Love Love

Last year on Valentine's Day I was in Provo with the girls of 22. Two days before we had started our apartment blog ( so that we could keep track of each other as we all went our separate ways. We decided that since there were six of us able to post on the blog, that we would create topics for each of us to write about. Our first topic was "Valentine's Day". We were to write down our thoughts and feelings about this day of love...we were a split apartment. Three of us like the holiday and the other three had words for this day.

I am here to say, that my feelings have not changed...I love the holiday no matter what my relationship status is. I love love...whether it's between a man and a woman or best girl makes me happy.

Last year I went to the Creamery on 9th and got kids meals and watched a love movie with my roommates (I can't remember which one)...this year I was at the dance competition all day then had Mac and Cheese with Ashlee for dinner, went salsa dancing with a few other girls and some guys, then of course ended the night with P.S. I Love You...a love movie. I love Valentine's opinion will never change. Here are a few people that I love...

**Just a small side note...if anyone ever tried to propose to me on February 14th, I would say "no, ask me again tomorrow"...SO not okay with me.

Greatest Talk Ever

So, this is a bit overdue, but last Sunday I had to opportunity to listen to Elder Jeffery R. Holland speak to the Boise Stake. It was amazing to see him somewhat "out of his element", in other words not on the TV reading his talk. I honestly don't think he had anything written down...he had nothing but his scriptures when he stood up there, and I don't even think he opened them once...and he spoke for 45 minutes!!!
Although his talk had from one another, he somehow managed to make them all work together. I learned so much from him! Something he did, that really caught me off guard is when he quoted a song by Bryan really? He listens to the radio? He was talking to the youth of the stake about how much their parents and leaders care for and would do anything for them. "Everything I do, I do it for you". First of all, I love that song. Second...JEFFERY HOLLAND just quoted it???!!!

It was an amazing experience that I'll never forget! He has such a great sense of humor and he's REAL! I mean obviously, but sometimes I feel like they are some sort of celebrity that I will only ever seen on TV, but he's a real person...I SAW HIM! He goes out to dinner and listens to the radio just like you and me! So great!

I am so thankful for the chance I had to hear him speak to and bless the Boise Stake. I know with all of my heart that he is a man called of God to counsel and teach us on the earth today. I cannot wait for General Conference in April!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Last night was the beginning of an amazing tradition. Ashlee, Jessica Harris, Kirsten Clements, Brooke Turk, MiKayla Cook, Brittney Brown and myself had our very first Girls Night IN!!! I'm sure some of you are thinking "who are these people? Lauren has never mentioned them before". Well, this may see weird to you, but we hardly even knew each other before last night! We met throught the guys and we just decided we wanted to be friends! We were lucky and hit the jackpot!

Jessica Kirsten and Brooke are all roommates and are in the same ward as Chad and Brett and all the guys.

Jessica is from Idaho Falls, Idaho and Brooke and Kirsten are from Boise and graduated from Borah!

MiKayla and Brittney both graduated from Centennial, Britt in 2007 with Ash and I and MiK the next year in 2008. They are Ashlee's roommates now and I think they are a perfect little group!!!

Sadly Kimi (Key-me) was sick and couldn't come, but she is from Twin Falls, Idaho and graduated in 2008 as well.

So, our girls night IN consisted of, first, getting to know each other. Then we changed locations to "watch a movie", which never happened because we had a small outburst of craziness and picture taking then got to talking. Pretty sure everyone knows how girls can talk...well we were over at Ash, Mik and Britt's apartment until almost 4am!!!

All of us...(Back L-R: Me, Kirsten, Brittney. Front L-R: Ashlee, MiKayla, Brooke, Jessica)

FEET!!!!!!(I cannot believe I participated in this...YUCK...but oh so funny!)

Circle of heads! Classic girl picture. We were all laughing so hard at this point, if you can't tell. It was out of control!

I love these girls so much and I cannot wait to get to know them better and grow closer to them! They have all changed my life and I've only known them for a little while! Our plan is to have a Girl's Night In once a month and a Girl's Night Out every other month! I cannot wait to make more memories!