Three words...
Okay I'll write more than three words...
So I forgot my camera at the hotel the first day and a half that I was there, so there aren't even any pictures of Oaklie in her precious little blessing dress or anything, but I assure you the grandparents have plenty to go around. I'll see what I can do about getting some of those. But even without pictures of every single minute I was there, it was still the most amazing trip ever. I hadn't seen Matt since Christmas 2009, I hadn't seen Reagan and Preston since the family reunion in June, I hadn't seen my mom since December 28th, my dad since January 3rd, and I had NEVER seen Oaklie! It was a weekend full of reunions!
We played hard the whole time we were there. Matt gave a beautiful blessing to his baby girl, and I think it was even more special because, not only were both grandpa's there, but Matt's little brother Josh was able to stand in the circle with them (Josh was on his mission when Preston was born). We got to go explore Kansas and a little bit, we checked out the new temple being built in Kansas City, we explored the "aquarium", Preston played in the water...overall it was such a good time!
Preston is so grown up, talks so much and so clearly, he loves his parents more than anyone, he loves his little sister Ickie...or is it Oldie? Maybe Olkie? I think by the end he was saying Oaklie pretty clearly. :) He even said my name..."Warlen". Preston and I were buddies on Monday morning, while Matt and Reagan when on a belated Valentine's date. I was the happiest girl ever, to say the least.
Oaklie is two months old and as precious as can be. She's got the sweetest little face and body anybody could ever ask for. I can't wait to watch her learn and grow!
Here are some pictures of the weekend...seriously not even half of them...I can't imagine if I would have had my camera the whole time!
This is my favorite picture ever! :)
Thank you Ogle's for being such great hosts and having such adorable, fun little kids. Thank you Dad for finding me a cheap flight so that I wasn't the only one that hadn't been to Kansas anymore. Thank you mom for bringing my El Pato jar to me all the way from Boise so that I can actually use my El Pato. Thank you Preston and Oaklie for making my heart so happy. I'm so blessed. :)