It at all started with a some text messages
D-"Lauren, what's your favorite kind of sandwich?"
L-"Probably a BLT with avocado, on almost burnt wheat bread with a very thin layer of mayonnaise, why?"
D-"Just wondering. Do you like chocolate pudding?"
L-"Yes...why David?"
....No response....2 hours later at about 1:45pm....
D- "I rented us a two-seater bike we can pick it up at 2:30 :)"
**Side note, I'd been wanting to ride a tandem bike for months! I was ecstatic! He's so good**
So he picked me up at about 3pm on a "bicycle built for two", we rode to Smith Park just a little way away from my apartment and he had packed us a picnic, with perfectly toasted BLTA's with a thin layer of mayonnaise, chocolate pudding and mint Oreos (my favorite).

Now, we were a pretty good team on that tandem bike right from the start, but then we tried to switch places, so I was in front steering and David was in the back 'letting' me steer (bad idea). He was so used to steering and having control of the bike that he was trying to do that from the back, causing me to slightly loose control in the front. He was freaking out, I was laughing and screaming and shouting at him to just hold his arms still and we wouldn't fall over, but that was a hard thing to do after he'd been in control to begin with. We quickly switched places again so we both weren't so stressed out.
With us back in our rightful seats on the bike, we rode to The Dollar Store and bought two kites for $1...they were cheap to say the least. We rode our little bike to another park close to my apartment and flew/tried to fly them. Mine quickly broke so we were down to one, we got David's up in the sky a few times...enough to take a picture and we were done. **Just some advice-avoid Dollar Store kites**

We continued the night just riding around Rexburg on our bike just enjoying each others company. We finished the night by watching a movie at my apartment. I was happy as a clam. :)
Now it's finals week. I'll be done with my tests tomorrow afternoon and then I'll do all of my packing and cleaning the rest of the day Thursday and all Friday morning! Then it's off to Boise for a few days, Utah for Hannah's wedding, then California to visit David's family and see his old stomping grounds! :) So the wedding and California trip will most likely be my next post!